Adolescent and Youth SRH

Young people and adolescents just like adults require motivation to make healthy decision about their reproductive health. However, Kajiado County is at 20% for teenage pregnancies according to the DHIS 2014; this is despite the increased availability of modern contraceptive methods. Our day-to-day programs support young people to develop skills and talents that lead to better educational and career opportunities and when combined with reproductive health information and services, these programs motivate adolescents to postpone sexual activity or practice safer sexual behaviour by helping them understand the long-term impact of their decisions and the importance of planning their futures. However, the out of school adolescent and youth in the Rural Kajiado do not have access to knowledge and services due to stigma and lack of Youth friendly services in Health Facilities.

This led us to introduce Comprehensive sexuality Education into our in-school programming and Meaningful Youth participation for Youths out of school all this under our program


YouthWyze is a digital hub for youth focused sexual and reproductive health (SRHR) that is designed to positively disrupt the health delivery system for adolescents and young people ages 10-24 through robust education & information, advice, support, and links to ASRHR services. YouthWyze combines youth-led, peer-to-peer communication, the power of modern technologies, and the enormous influence and reach of social media to create convenience, understanding and demand for sexual health services.


YouthWyze is one of the delivery platforms for SRHR services based on the working definition of universal adolescent and young people’s access to SRHR that consists of unobstructed, equitable, and affordable access to comprehensive sexuality knowledge; SRHR information; SRHR counselling, and SRHR services. This has come to be accepted as a full package of acceptable, quality SRHR services as defined in the Lancet-Guttmacher report. The Malkia Initiative recognises that to deliver a full package of services, interventions need to explore new delivery platforms that include social & other media, communities, and schools as sites of health, in addition to the more traditional facility-based delivery. In all of this, increased agency of young people needs to be built and supported, and their participation in their own health encouraged.



The Nahesabika project targets in-school adolescents and out of school youth aged 18-24 years. The project design uses Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) as a tool to ensure that adolescents and young people have the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions about abstaining, using contraception, preventing unintended

 pregnancies and protecting themselves from sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. The knowledge gained helps the young people to hold the county government officials countable and engage the policy makers to make sure that they are counted, and stand counted. Nahesabika, therefore seeks to see a decrease and changes in rates of unintended pregnancy and hospital admission due to complications of unsafe abortions among young people. The program’s goal is therefore to contribute and advocate for improved access and increased awareness of Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights among the marginalized adolescents and youth and girls in and out of school in Kajiado

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Recent Donation : $9.000
Our goal : $12.000 70%

Young people and adolescents just like adults require motivation to make healthy decision about their reproductive health

Recent Donation : $9.000
Our goal : $12.000 70%

Menstruation is a natural and essential part of the reproductive cycle. However, it remains a taboo topic in most parts of the world, and it’s rarely talked about.

Recent Donation : $9.000
Our goal : $12.000 70%

In Maasai land girl child education is not prioritized, in this community, a girl has little use except as a conduit to bring bride wealth to their families.