The Education Programme

In Maasai land girl child education is not prioritized, in this community, a girl has little use except as a conduit to bring bride wealth to their families. No girl should be forced to live in such a powerless state but through education, be empowered to create a brighter future for themselves and their families.

The Malkia Mentorship Project

We identified a gnawing gap in mentorship among girls in rescue centres. The mentorship program mentors young girls who have escaped or survived Female genital Mutilation and are in a rescue Centre in Kajiado, Kenya. We build a safe, strong female community around the girls, to help increase their self-confidence, build strong leadership skills and to encourage the need for quality education and introducing them to high schools and careers.  

We train committed university student to act as mentors to the young girls and utilize our curriculum that make the develop leadership skills, they are also mentored by professional women who in turn guide them towards their career paths they are working towards as they lead by example. Our multi-generational group mentoring builds a community of strength around every girl. 

I Am Malkia (With/Out the Cut)

I am Malkia is a campaign to End Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) that target girls in Kajiado County whose prevalence is 78%. Girls as young as 9 years are forced to undergo the torturous cut to mark a transition into womanhood, this leads to high numbers of teenage pregnancies and girls getting forced into child marriage. I am Malkia is created from the notion that all girls were created for excellence and do not have to undergo the cut (FGM) to attain any status more so become women. The project aims to build self-esteem and confidence in our county’s young women by helping them realize that they are all queens with or without the cut. The young girls will be empowered and lifted; they need positive outlets for self-expression and growth, which is exactly what we hope to do with this campaign and our other activities. 

Be a part of the change in Kajiado

Your donations go a very long way in ensuring we keep women and girls in school, save them from gender-based violence and harmful practices such as female genital mutilation

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+254 110 065656

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Below are our organisational policies and the standards we govern oursleves by:

Recent Donation : $9.000
Our goal : $12.000 70%

Young people and adolescents just like adults require motivation to make healthy decision about their reproductive health

Recent Donation : $9.000
Our goal : $12.000 70%

Menstruation is a natural and essential part of the reproductive cycle. However, it remains a taboo topic in most parts of the world, and it’s rarely talked about.

Recent Donation : $9.000
Our goal : $12.000 70%

In Maasai land girl child education is not prioritized, in this community, a girl has little use except as a conduit to bring bride wealth to their families.